We bought nails, semicolon, we bought a hammer. One way would be just toĪdd a semicolon in there. This is a run-on, right? - So thereĪre a couple of ways we could fix this sentence. Now there are a couple of different ways we could make this a legal sentence, but right now as it stands So we've got number one, we bought nails, number two, we bought a hammer. Yeah, so weĬan see that this sentence contains two individual, So Rosie what is a goodĮxample of a run-on sentence? - We bought So a run-on sentence is what happens when two independentĬlauses are put together in one sentence without any punctuation or coordinating conjunctions We are going to talk about run-ons and comma splices. 10 January 2012.Grammarians, hello Rosie! - Hi David! - How are you? - Good, how are you? - Good, today The New Fowler's Modern English Usage (3rd ed.). Accidence Will Happen: A Recovering Pedant's Guide to English Language and Style. Checkmate : a writing reference for Canadians.

Ost usage authorities accept comma splices when (1) the clauses are short and closely related, (2) there is no danger of a miscue, and (3) the context is informal. According to Garner's Modern English Usage: Sometimes the two types of sentences are treated differently based on the presence or absence of a comma, but most writers consider the comma splice as a special type of run-on sentence. Ĭomma splices are similar to run-on sentences, which join two independent clauses without any punctuation and without a coordinating conjunction such as and, but for, etc. The gate swung apart, the bridge fell, the portcullis was drawn up. advises using a semicolon, not a comma, to join two grammatically complete clauses, except when the clauses are "very short" and "similar in form", for example: The original 1918 edition of The Elements of Style by William Strunk Jr. Overview Ĭomma splices are rare in most published writing but are common among inexperienced writers of English. Some authorities on English usage consider comma splices appropriate in limited situations, such as informal writing or with short similar phrases. In the United States it is usually considered an error in English writing style.

The comma splice is sometimes used in literary writing to convey a particular mood of informality. It is nearly half past five, we cannot reach town before dark. In written English usage, a comma splice or comma fault is the use of a comma to join two independent clauses. Use of a comma to join independent clauses without a conjunction